From Pastor Epps


Due to the corona virus Covid-19 we are practicing social distancing, wearing masks and gloves, washing our hands and keeping our distance from one another as suggested by the Center for Disease Control and our health care professionals in order to prevent the spread of this virus as we  maintain and sustain our health and safety.  Thank you for cooperating with what has become a new normal due to this pandemic crisis that has confronted us.  However, that has not prevented us from being connected with each other through a variety of means.  Let me thank you for your continuing commitment as you are being engaged in the following methods of communication: 

Our radio broadcast each Sunday at 8:00 am on KJLH 102.3 FM on your radio dial. The broadcast for Sunday May 3, 2020 will feature communion after the message for you to follow along participating in observing the Lord's table as Jesus requested
Through teleconferencing with special presentations by health care professionals of the churc.

Our church's website (secondbaptistchurchla.org) on which are shared inspirational messages to engage you as you continue to foster your faith during this frustrating time and we can also be found on Facebook, telephone tree messages, e-mails, etc.     

There are a few special occasions I would like to call to your attention which are being made available to you through the aforementioned means of communication. 

  • Thursday May 7 from 7 to 8 pm a Teleconference on The Mystery of COVID-19 will feature Dr. Stephanie Quarles-Jackson.  Dr. Quarles-Jackson is a General Pediatrician on the staff of the Los Angeles Unified School District.  If you would like to have a question answered by Dr. Quarles-Jackson during the teleconference, email that question to Bill Elkins @ billelkins461@gmail no later than the end of the day Monday May 4th.
  • Sunday, May 10 is Mother's Day.  Mother's Day is a reminder that life is a precious, priceless gift through a process that requires discipline and sacrifice which produces wonder.   The birth process, with all of its phases and stages evoke the most enduring emotions.   Remembering mom, the one through whom people enter this ephemeral reality, is a natural response to the realization of what you have been given which has made possible the potential for your living. 

  • Sunday, May 17 is the 135th Anniversary of this congregation of believers in Christ.  We have maintained an uninterrupted presence in the Los Angeles community since 1885 and 94 years at our current location. Our legacy continues with the commitment, faith and love with which we began.  We say with the psalmist, "this is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.  This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:23-24

  • Sunday, May 24 is Memorial Sunday.  We acknowledge the observance of Memorial Sunday and the sacrifices that have been made by those serving in the armed forces of the United States, past and present as well as our members whose contributions to the church are remembered.   

  • Sunday, May 31 is the fifth Sunday of the month which is emphasizes missions and benevolences.  

Let me thank you for your continuing commitment to this congregation of believers in Christ with your generosity and graciousness.  I am appreciative that you give through the internet app on your phone or the website, mail your contributions to Second Baptist Church 2419 Griffith Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90011, or bring them to the church office which is operating from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm Monday through Friday unless Monday is a holiday as it will be on Monday, May 24.

Keep on doing what you are doing!  Be well and safe.  "God bless you and keep you. God make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.  God lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-25






 2412 Griffith Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011   (213) 400-877    deleby@pacbell.net

Second Baptist Church LA