Second Baptist Church LA


The significance of certain incidents reminds us of their importance.  We learn so much from our experiences as well as the experiences of others.  We learn from others what has made a difference in their lives.  We learn from what happen to us a difference can be made in our lives.  We join with those whose experiences are similar to ours as we affirm the meaning of the occurrences that have shaped our existence.  Palm Sunday is an occasion that never loses its significance.  Jesus riding into Jerusalem offering himself to the people is a moment that reminds us that Jesus rides into our lives offering himself as our friend, redeemer and savior.  We praise God as we accept and receive Jesus as the one who comes in the name of the Lord. 

Realign your allegiances / Reaffirming your loyalty / Renewing your commitment

We welcome Jesus into our lives by subjecting ourselves to his authority as the one who comes in the name of the Lord. 

The disciples were willing to follow Jesus’ instruction.  The owner of the colt was willing to make available to Jesus what was requested.  Submit to the authority of Jesus.  Subject what you have to the use of Jesus (your mind, strength, and time).  What kind of priority does the Lord get with you? 

Lord, I’m available to you.   You gave me my hands to reach out to man, to show him your love and your perfect plan.  You gave me my ears, I can hear your voice so clear.  I can hear the cries of sinners but can I wipe away the tears?  You gave me my voice to speak your perfect word, to sing all your praises to those who never heard.  But with my eyes I can see a need for more availability.  I’ve seen the hearts that have been broken, so many people to be free.  Lord, I’m available to you.  My will I give to you.  I’ll do what you say do, use me Lord, to show someone the way and enable me to say …  my storage is empty and I am available to you.  Now, I’m giving back to you all the tools you gave to me, my hands, my ears, my voice, my eyes so you can use them as your please.  I have emptied out my cup so that you can fill it up.  Now I’m free, I just want to be more available to you.  Lord I’m available to you.  My will I give to you. I’ll do what you say do.  Use me Lord to show someone the way and enable me to say … my storage is empty and I’m available to you. 

Jesus had often been greeted with a question mark.
The world has had its millions of question marks about Jesus.
But here at the gates of Jerusalem is exclamation points!

One of the greatest journeys anyone of us can make is the journey from a question mark to an exclamation point. (From questioning in doubt and ignorance to acknowledging with a resounding confirmation / this is )

Join, sing, his name divine.  Let every voice resound with united acclamation.  Hosanna! Praise be the Lord.  Blessed is he who cometh to bring us salvation. 

 2412 Griffith Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011   (213) 400-877